#1390-1396 Greece - 8th Intl. Nephrology Conference (MNH)
Our price:
$1.90 USD
1981 - 8th International Nephrology Conference, Athens, June 7-12; Greek National Air Club, 50th Anniversary; International Historical Symposium, Volos, Sept. 27-30; Greek Ophthalmological Society, 50th Anniversary; inauguration of oil production at Thassos Island; World Association for International Relations, Athens, 2nd Anniversary; 15th International Cardiovascular Surgery Conference, Athens, Sept. 6-10.
Designs: 2d, Torso showing kidneys. 3d, Sky diver and airplanes. 6d, Views of Thessaly and Epirus. 9d, Oil rig and map of Thassos Island. 12d, Vase with painted eyes. 21d, Globes and ancient coin. 40d, Heart and vessels.