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#2696-2699 Czechoslovakia - Postal Museum, 70th Anniv. (MNH)

Our price: $0.80 USD

1988 Postal Museum, 70th Anniversary, Set of 4. Designs: Praga '88 emblem and: 50h, Postman, Malostranske Namesti Square p.o., Prague, c.1742, and Velka Javorina television transmitter, 1979. 1k, Telecommunications Center, Mlada Boleslav, 1896, and Carmelite Street p.o., Prague, c.1792. 2k, Prague 1 (1873) and Bratislava 56 (1984) post offices. 4k, Communications Center, Prachatice (1982), postman and Maltetske Nameski Square p.o., Prague, c.1622.

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