#2411-2417 Hungary - Paintings, Set of 7 (MNH)
Our price:
$3.90 USD
1976 Francis II Rákóczi (1676-1735), leader of Hungarian Protestant insurrection, 300th Birth Anniversary, Set of 7. Designs: Paintings: 40f, Battle of Kuruc-Labanc. 60f, Meeting of Rákóczi and Tamás Eszes, by Endre Veszprémi. 1fo, Diet at Ónod, by Mór Than. 2fo, Camp of the Kurucs. 3fo, Ilona Zrínyi (Rákóczi's mother), vert. 4fo, Kuruc officers, vert. 5fo, Prince Francis II Rákóczi, by Ádám Mányoki, vert. Painters of 40f, 2fo, 3fo, 4fo, are unknown.