#C428-C434 Hungary - Graf Zeppelin Flights (MNH)
Our price:
$2.80 USD
1981 - LURABA '81, First Aviation and Space Philatelic Exhibition, Lucerne, Switzerland, Mar. 20-29, Set of 7. Designs: Graf Zeppelin Flights (Zeppelin and): 1fo, Graf Zeppelin over Tokyo, First Worldwide Flight, Aug. 7-Sept. 4, 1929. 2fo, Icebreaker Malygin, Polar flight, July 24-31, 1931. 3fo, Nine Arch Bridge, Hortobagy, Hungary, March 28-30, 1931. 4fo, Holstentor, Lubeck, Baltic Sea, May 12-15, 1931. 5fo, Tower Bridge, England, Aug. 18-20, 1931. 6fo, Federal Palace, Chicago World's Fair, 50th crossing of Atlantic, Oct. 14 -Nov. 2, 1933. 7fo, Lucerne, first flight across Switzerland, Sept. 26, 1929. No. C434 has se-tenant label showing exhibition emblem.