Croatia 2024-Famous Croats - Set of 3 (MNH)
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$2.50 USD
Srebrenka (Sena) Jurinac (Travnik, 24 October 1921 – Augsburg, 22 November 2011), a soprano diva, a great Croatian vocal artist, joins the few special Croatian female singers who have conquered the most prestigious world opera stages.
Milko Kelemen (Podravska Slatina, 30 March 1924 – Stuttgart, 8 March 2018) the composer whose oeuvre today serves as a paradigm for the modernity of Croatian music in the second half of the 20th century. He was a doyen of Croatian musical creativity, the recipient of numerous recognitions and awards, both in Croatia and in Germany, which had been his second home since the early 1970s.
Vladimir Ruždjak, baritone, composer and opera director (Zagreb, 21 September 1922 – Zagreb, 9 October 1987) is one of the greatest Croatian composers of the 20th century.